Alvaston Parish Church exists, runs and is maintained by the generosity of its members and supporters.
We are commited to having Alvaston Parish Church open as much as possible, and the churchyard maintained.
However we recieve no regulargovernment or other outside funding for this.
Last year we spent £49,000 on the ministry of the church and the maintenance of our building and churchyard.
There is much we would like to do to improve the use of the building, the churchyard and carpark facilities for the community, including putting in a kitchen, and some extra toilets, and resurfave the car park.. That is why this year we are looking to raise a total of £70,000. But in these time of hardship we are prioritising the food bank, wanr welcome, debt advice and other direct costs, as it looks like without your help we may fall short of even the £49,000 we need to break even.
We are grateful for any gift that God may put on your heart to give us. either as a one off or a monthly recuring donation.we open the opportunity for you to give to our main ministry fund (which also pays for maintenance of the building and churchyard) or to give specifically to the Development and maintenance fund which is only spent on the buildings and churchyard.
Please drop your donation in a bowl in Alvaston Parish Church, or use the contactless giving station, or online giving. If you are a UK tax payer please use gift aid envelopes (or indicate on the contacless station) so we get the tax back from HM Revinue & Customs.
God loves a cheerful giver, but please ensure you can afford what you give. If you are strugaling come and talk to us about your problrmbs there are many ways god esntd to bless you.
Click Here for online donation