Development Project

The Development & Maintenance Project is an ongoing commitment to the community, to create more sustainable & accessible facilities.

"We want to offer a modern, well presented, usable facility - both in Alvaston Parish Church, St. Michael's Hall and on-line. Ffull of the life of God throughout the week. We continue to Share God's Love by Inspiration, Word and Action"


During the last 5 years in the Parish Church we have taken the opportunity to repair the floor, replace the carpet, and replace the radio mics. and the car park & north churchyard fence,repaired cieling plaster, replaced the hausers for the clock weights, and had the pulleys repaired.

In St.Michaels Hall we have replaced the kitchen worktops and the heating system, improved the car park, and re-purposed the Anex as the South East Derby Foodbank Hub, and modernised the electrical system

Other work we would like to do when funds become available: Replace the south churchyard fence, level numerous paths that suffered due to lack of use during lock-down. Re-point the North east corner of the main building, create a kitchen servery and two extra toilets under the bell tower in the church, and modernist the toilet facilities in St. Michael's Hall.


As always for a small church fellowship funding is an issue and we look for Grants, Bursaries, Legacies as well as the very generous giving of the church family and members of the community. If you hear of sources of funding or are involved in a business that makes charitable donations we would love to hear from you.

At this time we are seeking funding for the all this work and donations are gratefully recieved to the 'Development and maintenance fund'.

Sections of work envisaged:

  • Alvaston Parish Church

    • Catering facilities and amenities

      • To provide the ability to cater more easily for events after baptisms, weddings, funerals and other events inside the main building, and reduce the queue at our accessible toilet. We are looking to add a catering standard facility under the bell tower, together with 2 additional toilets. This work has been estimated at around £50,000

    • Entrance

      • Creating a welcoming space in the entranceway. Including adding double glazed windows and doors on the outside of the vestibule, and into the church, 

      • This will protect the 2 burial covers that are significant parts of our buildings heratidge listing from further weather damage and vandalism. 

    • Seating

      • Recent trials have proved we can arrange to a seat for 210 people in the Nave and 34 in the chancel, with and aditional 50 people Standing. This is significantly more than previously possible. So Acquiring additional comfortable, light and storable seating for larger events. (we could do with another 50 matching folding seats)

  • St. Michael's Hall

    • Complete refurbishment of the washroom facilities which are now quite dated.

    • replacement of the continuous boiling water dispenser which failed during lockdown

    • Development of the facility and finding aditional regular hirers. 

Thank you


The development team has been instrumental in looking at the options for developing our buildings to best suit the mission and vision of the church. 

The initial vision was presented on Advent Sunday 2012. For a phased project tackling the main problems in manageable chunks

January 2013 saw the launch of the project fundraising.

February 2016 New heating system installed and working.

February 2016 Grant application to the Listed place of worship roof repair fund submitted (Unfortunately this was unsuccessful) Subsequent investigation proved the work required to be much less extensive than envisioned by the architect.

March 2016  Replacement of inefficient and failing halogen lighting with modern, efficient LED lighting on a like for like basis started. (with a saving of 9kW/h of electricity)  - This is almost complete. We are evaluating the placement of lights and seeing if we need some additional units.

December 2016 Formal seating Faculty submitted.

March 2017 - added future vision to the faculty submission.

August 2017 - Seating Awaiting the Chancellor's decision.

2019 - The New floor was instaled, and then in August the new carpet was fitted

2020 - Was the year of COVID - The North fence was replaced, The clock repaired. The rain drain on south side of the church was repaired. The Hall Annex became the food bank hub.

2022 - the rain drain on the North side of the church was repaired.


Page last updated: Friday 29th September 2023 4:45 PM
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